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New PTU Kit - Leprechauns Hooley

New PTU Kit - Emerald Eyes

New PTU Kit - I Grow Tulips
Beautiful Pink spring kit. Lots and LOTS of flowers
200 Elements
7 Frames
30 1000*1000 Tagger Size Papers
3 Word Art
******AI Elements Included******

New PTU Kit - Cogs & Kisses
If your Valentine gets you a little......wound up or steamy then this kit is for you. This is a pink and gold Steampunk kit
200 Elements
11 Frames
30 1000*1000 Tagger Size Papers
4 Word Art
****This kit contains AI Elements****

New PTU Kit - Til Death
I love every bone in your body, til death......
200 unique (unrepeated) Elements
10 Frames
30 1000*1000 Tagger size Papers
3 Word Art
**This kit contains AI Elements

New IPD Kit- What a Flake

New PTU Kit - Lavender Yuletide
This beautiful Wintery Christmas kit is full of Purpley and white festive elements
Ho Ho Ho there's some snow!!!!
200 unique (non repeated) Elements
7 Frames
30 1000*1000 Tagger Size Papers
3 Word art
This kit contains AI Elements

New PTU KIt - Warm & Cozy

New PTU Kit - Cinnamon Apple