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PTU Tut - Your Boo-tiful

Any resemblance to any other tutorial or signature is merely coincidental and is not intended.

I am using the artwork of Elias –.  You can purchase his artwork and a license to use them HERE you MUST have a license to use his work

I am using the font: Trinigan FG 
I am using plugins:,
I am using PTU Crafted by Gina, “Your Boo-tiful” which you can purchase here
I am using Mask #162 from Laurie, you can get it here

Pieces of the kit used in this tutorial are
Paper 01

You must have working knowledge of PSP to complete this tutorial.  This tutorial was written using PSPXII

Open new Canvas 600*600

Open paper 01 and resize to 600*600.  Paste apply mask and resize to your liking, Merge Group
Paste tube over top of frame, resize and place to your liking

Tree resize and place on the left side of your canvas
House, resize and place to your liking, under the Tree
Moon, Resize and place to your liking
Fence, Resize and Place to your liking
Tombstone resize and place to your liking
Broom resize and place to your liking
Wheat, resize and place to your liking
Potion, resize and place to your liking
Caldron, resize and place to your liking
Bubbles, resize and place over the caldron so it looks like it’s bubbling

Apply drop shadow to your taste.  Mine are all 2*2’s
Resize the signature if needed
The name.  Using Trinigan Fg size 30  Colors #442c5f, Alien Eye Candy 5, Impact Gradient Glow:

Drop Shadow to your liking
Add your copyright information and license number before save

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New PTU Kit - Some Pig

Any resemblance to any other tutorial or signature is merely coincidental and is not intended.

I am using the artwork of Ellie Milk –.  You can purchase her artwork and a license to use them HERE you MUST have a license to use his work

I am using the font  Delikatessen
I am using plugins:,
I am using PTU Designs by Gina, Some Pig which you can purchase here
I am using Mask #40 from Moonbeams & Spider Webs, you can get it here

Pieces of the kit used in this tutorial are
Paper 02
Paper 09
Frame 02
First place ribbon

You must have working knowledge of PSP to complete this tutorial.  This tutorial was written using PSPXII

Open new Canvas 600*600

Open paper 02 and resize to 600*600.  Paste apply mask and resize to your liking, Merge Group
Open Frame 02 c/p to canvas, resize to your liking
Open Paper 09, resize to 600*600. Paste under your frame, using your Magic Wand, select the inside of your frame, go to Selections, Modify, Expand, 5 pixels.  Select okay, invert selection and delete leaving the inside of the frame with your paper
Take your tube and paste it under the frame.  Place to liking, repeat process above to get only your tube in your frame.  Duplicate.  Apply soft light to top layer.  Original Layer, Guassian blur 5, drop shadow. Paste tube over top of frame, resize and place to your liking

Grass01, resize and paste over your frame, duplicate twice and arrange in a row
Balloon 03, resize and place to your liking
Pig 04, Resize and place to your liking
Apples, Resize and Place to your liking
Brad01 resize and place to your liking
Bird01 resize and place to your liking
First Place ribbon, Resize and place on your pig

Apply drop shadow to your taste.  Mine are all 2*2’s
Resize the signature if needed
The name.  Using Delikatessen size 30  Colors # #2f8978, Alien Eye Candy 5, Impact Gradient Glow:

Drop Shadow to your liking
Add your copyright information and license number before save

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