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Old School PTU Tut

Any resemblance to any other tutorial or signature is merely coincidental and is not intended.

I am using the artwork of Arthur Crowe –.  You can purchase this artwork and a license to use them HERE you MUST have a license to use this work (Old School)

I am using the font: Cherry Swash
I am using the Plugins: Alien Eye Candy 5
I am using "Old School" From Wicked Creationz, you can purchase it here
I am using mask of your choice
I am using Drop Shadow -3 Vert, 3 Hori, Opacity 74, Blur 5.8 Color #202020

Pieces of the kit used in this tutorial are



ee 27
ee 13
ee 7
ee 1
ee 17
ee 18
ee 22
ee 19

You must have working knowledge of PSP to complete this tutorial.  This tutorial was written using PSPXII

Open new Canvas 600*600

New Layer, flood fill with pp4, Apply mask and resize to your liking, Merge Group

c/p ee28, resize,and place to your liking, flip horizontally, use magic wand, select the inside of the Frame, Selection, expand 5 pixels, new layer, flood fill with pp 1.

Paste C/u of tube between ee28 and pp1.  Select pp1,  Select All, Float, Invert, select tube layer, delete, leaving just the tube, duplicate, on Origina Apply Guassian blur 3, drop shadow.  On Copy apply Soft Light

Paste tube, resize to your liking, place to your liking, I am using the supplied Shadow.

ee 27, resize and Place to your liking, drop shadow
ee 13,resize and Place to your liking, drop shadow
ee 7, Resize and Place to your liking,Drop Shadow
ee 1, resize and place to your liking, Drop Shadow
ee 17, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
ee 18, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
ee 22, resize, rotate, place to your liking, Drop Shadow
ee 19, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow

Resize the signature if needed

The name: Cherry Swash size 24, #9e0e16, Alien Eye Candy 5, Gradient Glow with 

Add your copyright information and license number before save

Sunday, October 27, 2013

2013 Skirt Attitude Tut

Any resemblance to any other tutorial or signature is merely coincidental and is not intended.

I am using the artwork of Ismael Rac –.  You can purchase this artwork and a license to use them HERE you MUST have a license to use this work (2013 Skirt Attitude)

I am using the font: Xiomara
I am using the Plugins: Alien Eye Candy 5
I am using "2013 Skirt Attitude" From Crystal's Creations, you can purchase it here
I am using mask of your choice
I am using Drop Shadow -3 Vert, 3 Hori, Opacity 74, Blur 5.8 Color #202020

Pieces of the kit used in this tutorial are



ee 9
ee 27
ee 24
ee 15
ee 21
ee 25
ee 11
ee 7
ee 12
ee 19
ee 16
ee 6

You must have working knowledge of PSP to complete this tutorial.  This tutorial was written using PSPXII

Open new Canvas 600*600

New Layer, flood fill with pp11, Apply mask and resize to your liking, Merge Group

c/p ee10, resize,and place to your liking, flip horizontally, use magic wand, select the inside of the Frame, Selection, expand 5 pixels, new layer, flood fill with pp 8.

Paste C/u of tube between ee 10 and pp8.  Select Paper 10, Select All, Float, Invert, select tube layer, delete, leaving just the tube, duplicate, on Origina Apply Guassian blur 3.  On Copy apply Hard Light

Paste tube, resize to your liking, place to your liking, drop shadow

ee 9, resize to your liking, drop shadow
ee 27,resize and Place to your liking, drop shadow
ee 24, Resize and Place to your liking, duplicate, mirror, Shadow
ee 15, resize and place to your liking, Drop Shadow
ee 21, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
ee 25, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
ee 11, resize, rotate, place to your liking, Drop Shadow
ee 7, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
ee 12, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
ee 19, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
ee 16, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
ee 6, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow

Resize the signature if needed

The name: Xiomara size 20, #ff4a9e, Alien Eye Candy 5, Gradient Glow with 

Add your copyright information and license number before save

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sexy Warm Weekend Special

Promo Tag using Sexy warm, Tube and matching kit, on  Weekend Special 10/26 -10/27/2013 ONLY! Spend $$ anything in the store and get this amazing tube AND awesome matching kit for FREE. Yup you get both the tube and kit for free. Email your store or pp receipt to CS to claim. GC not accepted as a form of payment. Receipts must be date stamped with 26th or 27th of October 2013 t get this awesome set. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Strange Lovers PTU Tut

Any resemblance to any other tutorial or signature is merely coincidental and is not intended.

I am using the artwork of Alfadesire –.  You can purchase this artwork and a license to use them HERE you MUST have a license to use this work (Strange Lovers)

I am using the font: Drippy Paint
I am using the Plugins: Alien Eye Candy 5
I am using "Freak Treatz" From Toxic Desirez, you can purchase it here
I am using mask of your choice
I am using Drop Shadow -3 Vert, 3 Hori, Opacity 74, Blur 5.8 Color #202020

Pieces of the kit used in this tutorial are

Paper 11

Frame 1

Jello Shot

You must have working knowledge of PSP to complete this tutorial.  This tutorial was written using PSPXII

Open new Canvas 600*600

New Layer, flood fill with Paper 11, Apply mask and resize to your liking, Merge Group

c/p Frame 1, resize,and place to your liking, flip horizontally, use magic wand, select the inside of the Frame, Selection, expand 5 pixels, new layer, flood fill with #e36da8

Paste C/u of tube between Element 05 and Paper 10.  Select Paper 10, Select All, Float, Invert, select tube layer, delete, leaving just the tube. Duplicate, on original apply Guassian Blur 3.0 and drop Shadow.  On Original apply Soft Light

Paste tube, resize to your liking, place to your liking, drop shadow

Splatter, resize to your liking, Duplicate, Mirror and Flip until there is one in each corner, drop shadow
Ribbon,resize and Place to your liking,Mirror, drop shadow
Lips, Resize and Place to your liking, duplicate, mirror, Shadow
Teddy, resize and place to your liking, Drop Shadow
Cupcake, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
Chocolate, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
Jello Shot, resize, rotate, place to your liking, Drop Shadow
Sparkles, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow

Resize the signature if needed

The name: Drippy Marker size 20, #e36da8, Alien Eye Candy 5, Gradient Glow with 

Add your copyright information and license number before save

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Under Arrest PTU Tut

Any resemblance to any other tutorial or signature is merely coincidental and is not intended.

I am using the artwork of Tony T –.  You can purchase this artwork and a license to use them HERE you MUST have a license to use this work (Under Arrest)

I am using the font: Deathe Maach NCV
I am using the Plugins: Alien Eye Candy 5
I am using "Under Arrest" From Rissa's Designs, you can purchase it here
I am using mask of your choice
I am using Drop Shadow -3 Vert, 3 Hori, Opacity 74, Blur 5.8 Color #202020

Pieces of the kit used in this tutorial are

Paper 12
Paper 10

Element 05

Element 26
Element 20
Element 07
Element 03
Element 02
Element 01
Element 25
Element 23
Element 09
Element 12

You must have working knowledge of PSP to complete this tutorial.  This tutorial was written using PSPXII

Open new Canvas 600*600

New Layer, flood fill with Paper 12, Apply mask and resize to your liking, Merge Group

c/p Element 05, resize,and place to your liking, flip horizontally, use magic wand, select the inside of the Frame, Selection, expand 5 pixels, new layer, flood fill with Paper 10.

Paste C/u of tube between Element 05 and Paper 10.  Select Paper 10, Select All, Float, Invert, select tube layer, delete, leaving just the tube, apply Hard Light

Paste tube, resize to your liking, place to your liking, drop shadow

Element 26, resize to your liking, drop shadow
Element 12,resize and Place to your liking,Mirror, drop shadow
Element 07, Resize and Place to your liking, duplicate, mirror, Shadow
Element 03, resize and place to your liking, Drop Shadow
Element 02, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
Element 01, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
Element 25, resize, rotate, place to your liking, Drop Shadow
Element 23, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
Element 09, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
Element 12, resize, flip Vertically place to your liking,  Drop Shadow

Resize the signature if needed

The name: Deathe Maache NCV size 24, #29305e, Alien Eye Candy 5, Gradient Glow with 

Add your copyright information and license number before save

Monday, October 21, 2013

Breakfast for 2 PTU tut

Any resemblance to any other tutorial or signature is merely coincidental and is not intended.

I am using the artwork of Roman Zaric –.  You can purchase this artwork and a license to use them HERE you MUST have a license to use this work (Marina)

I am using the font: Catholic Girls
I am using the Plugins: Alien Eye Candy 5
I am using "Breakfast for Two" From A Simply Sassy Scrap Creation, you can purchase it here
I am using mask of your choice
I am using Drop Shadow -3 Vert, 3 Hori, Opacity 74, Blur 5.8 Color #202020

Pieces of the kit used in this tutorial are

Paper 8
Paper 3

Frame 2

Napkins 2
Flannel Sheets
Floral 2
Word Art 2
High Heel

You must have working knowledge of PSP to complete this tutorial.  This tutorial was written using PSPXII

Open new Canvas 600*600

New Layer, flood fill with Paper 8, Apply mask and resize to your liking, Merge Group

c/p Frame 2, resize,and place to your liking, flip horizontally, use magic wand, select the inside of the Frame, Selection, expand 5 pixels, new layer, flood fill with Paper 3.

Paste tube, resize to your liking, place to your liking, drop shadow

Napkins2, resize to your liking, Duplicate, Mirror, Flip, drop shadow
Flannel Sheets,resize and Place to your liking,Mirror, drop shadow
Floral 2, Resize and Place to your liking, duplicate, mirror, Shadow
Handfan, resize and place to your liking, Drop Shadow
Butterfly 4, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
Word Art 2, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
Pitcher 1, resize and place to your liking, Drop Shadow
Floral 9, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
High Heel, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow

Resize the signature if needed

The name: Catholic Girls size 24, #780a08, Alien Eye Candy 5, Gradient Glow with 

Add your copyright information and license number before save

Hocus Pocus PTU Tut

Any resemblance to any other tutorial or signature is merely coincidental and is not intended.

I am using the artwork of Alfadesire –.  You can purchase this artwork and a license to use them HERE you MUST have a license to use this work (Witch with Lolypop)

I am using the font: Auld Magick
I am using the Plugins: Alien Eye Candy 5
I am using "Hocus Pocus" From Inzpired Creationz, you can purchase it here
I am using mask of your choice
I am using Drop Shadow -3 Vert, 3 Hori, Opacity 74, Blur 5.8 Color #202020

Pieces of the kit used in this tutorial are

Paper 2
Paper 9

Frame 1

Tree 1
Book on Stand
Cauldron 3
Magic Potion 1
Eye Ball Brew
Grave 1
Sparkles 3
Word Art 4

You must have working knowledge of PSP to complete this tutorial.  This tutorial was written using PSPXII

Open new Canvas 600*600

New Layer, flood fill with Paper 2, Apply mask and resize to your liking, Merge Group

c/p Frame 1, resize,and place to your liking,use magic wand, select the inside of the Frame, Selection, expand 5 pixels, new layer, flood fill with Paper 9.

Paste Close up Tube between Paper 4 and Frame 5.  Select paper layer, select all, float, invert, Delete, Apply set to Overlay

Paste tube, resize to your liking, place to your liking, drop shadow

Tree 1, resize to your liking, Duplicate, Mirror, Flip, drop shadow
Leaves,resize and Place to your liking,Mirror, drop shadow
Moon, Resize and Place to your liking, Shadow
Lampost, resize and place to your liking, Drop Shadow
Book on Stand, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
Cauldron 3, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
Magic Potion 1, resize and place to your liking, Drop Shadow
Grave 1, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
Sparkles 3, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow
Word art 4, resize and place to your liking,  Drop Shadow

Resize the signature if needed

The name: Auld Magick size 30, Use Paper 7 as the Fill, Alien Eye Candy 5, Gradient Glow with 

Add your copyright information and license number before save

PTU Lexi Tut

Any resemblance to any other tutorial or signature is merely coincidental and is not intended.

I am using the artwork of Roman Zaric –.  You can purchase this artwork and a license to use them HERE you MUST have a license to use this work (Lexi)

I am using the font: Love Letters
I am using the Plugins: Alien Eye Candy 5, Xeno Porcelian, Xeno Radience
I am using "Lexi" From Sandy's Design, you can purchase it here
I am using mask of your choice
I am using Drop Shadow -3 Vert, 3 Hori, Opacity 74, Blur 5.8 Color #202020

Pieces of the kit used in this tutorial are

Paper 9
Paper 8

Frame 2

Beads 2
High Heeled Shoe1
Martini 1
Cellphone 2

You must have working knowledge of PSP to complete this tutorial.  This tutorial was written using PSPXII

Open new Canvas 600*600

New Layer, flood fill with Paper 9, Apply mask and resize to your liking, Merge Group

c/p Frame 2, resize,and place to your liking,use magic wand, select the inside of the Frame, Selection, expand 5 pixels, new layer, flood fill with Paper 8.

Paste Close up Tube between Paper 4 and Frame 5.  Select paper layer, select all, float, invert, Delete, Apply Xero Porcelain, and then Xero Radience, Drop Shadow, Duplicate.  Apply Guassian blur 5.0 to copy, then set to Screen and drop Opacity to 50%.

Paste tube, resize to your liking, place to your liking

Beads 2, resize to your liking, Duplicate, Mirror, Flip, drop shadow
Eye Shadow,resize and Place to your liking,Mirror, drop shadow
Lipstick 1, Resize and Place to your liking, Shadow
Rose 1, resize and place to your liking, Duplicate, Mirror, Drop Shadow
Doc, resize and place to your liking, Duplicate, Mirror, Drop Shadow
High Heeled Shoe 1, resize and place to your liking, Duplicate, Mirror, Drop Shadow
Martini 1, resize and place to your liking, Duplicate, Mirror, Drop Shadow
Cell Phone 2, resize and place to your liking, Duplicate, Mirror, Drop Shadow

Resize the signature if needed

The name: Love Letters size 20, Colors #d51c39 Alien Eye Candy 5, Gradient Glow with 

Add your copyright information and license number before save

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Halloween Treats PTU Tut

Any resemblance to any other tutorial or signature is merely coincidental and is not intended.

I am using the artwork of Roman Zaric –.  You can purchase this artwork and a license to use them HERE you MUST have a license to use this work (Sexy Halloween)

I am using the font: Coulures
I am using the Plugins: Alien Eye Candy 5, 
I am using "Halloween Treats" From Desirina's Designs, you can purchase it here
I am using mask of your choice
I am using Drop Shadow -3 Vert, 3 Hori, Opacity 74, Blur 5.8 Color #202020

Pieces of the kit used in this tutorial are




You must have working knowledge of PSP to complete this tutorial.  This tutorial was written using PSPXII

Open new Canvas 600*600

New Layer, flood fill with PP9, Apply mask and resize to your liking, Merge Group

c/p Divider, resize,and place to your liking

Paste tube, resize to your liking, place, Drop Shadow

19, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
34, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
 2, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
21, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
22, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
28, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
16, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
3, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
15, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow

Resize the signature if needed

The name: Coulures size 30, Colors #000000 Alien Eye Candy 5, Gradient Glow with 

Add your copyright information and license number before save

Beautiful Girl PTU tut

Any resemblance to any other tutorial or signature is merely coincidental and is not intended.

I am using the artwork of Roman Zaric –.  You can purchase this artwork and a license to use them HERE you MUST have a license to use this work (Gilian)

I am using the font: Jandles
I am using the Plugins: Alien Eye Candy 5, 
I am using "Beautiful Girl" From Wicked Princess Scraps, you can purchase it here
I am using mask of your choice
I am using Drop Shadow -3 Vert, 3 Hori, Opacity 74, Blur 5.8 Color #202020

Pieces of the kit used in this tutorial are



Flower Row
Stand 2
Bling 1

You must have working knowledge of PSP to complete this tutorial.  This tutorial was written using PSPXII

Open new Canvas 600*600

New Layer, flood fill with PP9, Apply mask and resize to your liking, Merge Group

c/p Divider, resize,and place to your liking

Paste tube, resize to your liking, place, Drop Shadow

Scatter, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
Flower Row, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
Stand 2, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
Pitcher, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
Cello, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
Chair, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
Bling 1, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
Bird, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
Cats, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
Fan, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
Mirror, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
Lipstick, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow
Shoe, resize and place to your liking,drop shadow

Resize the signature if needed

The name: Jandles size 22, Colors #c84874 Alien Eye Candy 5, Gradient Glow with 

Add your copyright information and license number before save

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